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Perth North Church

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This weeks intimations sheet is available here


Wednesday 9th October 2024

We had a full house who came to listen to Kenny Simpson and the wonderful work he does by helping to organise and distribute humanitarian Aid to Ukraine.  He described the work which takes place in the warehouse in Erroll and also some of the journeys he has made to Ukraine. He and his fellow-workers are unsung heroes

Wednesday 25th September 2024

This afternoon We had another good turn-out,with Kenny,our minister,speaking to us on the Guild theme of " Why we Serve." He was thought-provoking and honest,and a lot of what he shared resonated with many of us. As usual, we finished with tea and lots of chat!

Our next meeting is on 9th October,when Kenny Simpson will be telling us all about his work for Ukraine. A warm welcome awaits anyone who would like to join us at 2pm in the main hall.

Friday 20th September 2024

Today we had our first Friday Friends meeting in the Hub at Tulloch 

 We welcomed new friends,along with members of our Guild,and enjoyed tea and coffee and lots of chat,getting to know our friends from the Parish.

We meet again on Friday 4th October at 1pm -3pm and all are welcome.

Sunday 15th September 2024

At the Guild Dedication service this morning, 4 Guild members were presented with long service certificates and badges by the National Convener, Christina Paterson, who was accompanied by the Vice Convener Renee Riddell. 


They were - 


Dorothy Kennedy - 55 years 

Margaret Fortune - 30 years 

Kate King - 25 years 

Iris Wilson - 25 years


As well as being Guild members, the ladies also attended Young Wives' Groups. All were thanked for their dedication and service to these groups over many years. 


Saturday 6th July 2024

On Saturday, nearly one hundred friends enjoyed strawberries, scones, pancakes, shortbread and cream at our annual Guild Strawberry Tea.

It was a lovely day of friendship and fellowship and a significant contribution was made to our Guild projects.

Many thanks to all who helped make the day such a special and successful event.

Saturday 6th July 2024

Guild Strawberry Tea

Come along and join us for the Guild strawberry tea event! All welcome.

Saturday 6th July from 2-4pm

Adult £5

Child £2

Wednesday 27th March 2024

Over 40 members enjoyed our AGM this afternoon and were treated to Easter goodies in the form of hot cross buns and Easter nests. 


Our minister was our guest and Kenny spoke of what is associated with Easter - daffodils, rain, eggs (hard boiled and chocolate), donkeys, washing of feet, Palm Sunday services and the joy of Easter Sunday. 


However above all else is the Cross which is at the heart of the Easter message. We remember that Christ rose again and HE LIVES.  


The Guild has enjoyed a really successful and varied session. A strawberry tea is being held on Sat 6th July and tickets will be on sale  nearer the time. 

Wednesday 13th March 2024

Around the world in 40 minutes! A wonderful presentation was given by Graham Hood this afternoon of countries visited by himself and  often with his wife Liz.


The presentation started in Perth, Scotland and we visited among many others Canada, Cuba, Cambodia, Portugal, Sri Lanka, South Africa and a favourite of Grahams, India. Along with views, Graham captured wonderful expressions of the inhabitants and also the wildlife. 


As well as reminiscing over countries Guild members have visited, it perhaps gave some folk ideas for future travel!

Saturday 9th March 2024

A large turnout enjoyed a very successful croissant and coffee morning held by the Guild in order to raise funds for their projects. There was a happy atmosphere and it was a welcome haven from a very chilly day.

We raised £441 for our projects

For the six weeks of Lent leading up to Easter we are displaying images of the story leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus. In Christian tradition these are known as

“The Stations of the Cross”

Please come in and look at the images. What do they say to you? Perhaps you would like to spend some time meditating on each image as it appears and maybe saying a prayer if something comes to mind. Come with us as we walk with Jesus towards the Cross - and ultimately to Easter Sunday


Images are woodcut prints by the artist Margaret Adams Parker

Wednesday 28th February 2024

There was a large turnout today to listen to the Perth Barbershop Singers, and we were entertained to a great variety of music, interspersed with anecdotes from their conductor. 


The singers were very enthusiastic which was relayed to their audience and so a happy afternoon was enjoyed by all present. 


Our next meeting is on March 13th and it is entitled Travels with a Camera.  All are welcome. 


However before that we have a COFFEE and CROISSANT morning. 




9th March in the Main Hall


10 am to 11.30 am


Tickets - £4 for adults £1 for children

Saturday 17th February 2024



A group of ladies enjoyed a walk through the snowdrops at Scone Palace today followed by a welcome coffee and chat. 

Wednesday 14th February 2024

There was a large turnout on a dreich day to hear about UNIDA, one of the Guild projects. 


Unfortunately our speaker was unable to come, however Janice Taylor ably delivered the presentation on his behalf. 


UNIDA University started a degree course in 1997 to enable young women to study for a degree in theology. It trains the women for the ministry and service in Brazil, a very worthwhile cause. 


Our next meeting is on 28 February when we will be entertained by Perth Barbershop Singers at 2 pm in the main hall. 


DATE FOR DIARY - Sat 9th March


A COFFEE and CROISSANT morning in the church hall at 10 am. All welcome. 

Wednesday 24th January 2024

We enjoyed an interesting musical afternoon with Richard Corbett and his Yamaha keyboard. We sang hymns to very different tunes and it was amazing the difference it could make. 


Our next meeting is on 14th February when we will hear about our project 'Hear our Voice' to which all are welcome at 2 pm in the main hall. 

Wednesday 10th January 2024

There was a good turn out at our first meeting of 2024 to hear Estelle Nicol's presentation on the Sahara and Camino de Santiago, both very different treks, but equally interesting. 


She explained that walking on sand is not easy and both poles, and hats for the sun, are essential.


The second trek follows the Pilgrims' route and 100 kms must be walked to gain a Pilgrim's Certificate which Estelle achieved. 


The next meeting is on Jan 24th when Richard Corbett will speak on 'Confessions of an Organist who can't play a note'. All are welcome. 

Saturday 24th December 2023

This morning at our Open Church Space we had the pleasure of welcoming a choir of ladies and children from Ukraine who presented some lovely traditional Christmas songs and even sang one in English! We were thrilled to have about 50 people there to hear them. A highlight of our busy open day at Perth North.

Tomorrow it’s Christingle service at 10.30 then Carol Crawl round the streets of the City Centre at round 9pm then the Watchnight service at 11.30. Hope to see some of you there

Syllabus Jan - March 2024

Jan 10 - Travels in the Sahara

Jan 24 - Confessions of an organist

Feb 14 - Project - UNIDA

Feb 28 - Barbershop Singers

Mch 9  - Coffee morning 

Mch 13 - Travels with a camera

Mch 27 - AGM and Rev K Stott


Meetings are normally held in the main hall at 2 pm and all are welcome. 

Wednesday 13th December 2023

Around 45 folk enjoyed a superb Christmas afternoon with Michael Ellacott today. He entertained with humorous stories and a variety of festive music, some of which we were encouraged to join in. 


This was followed by Christmas goodies and members left feeling happy and uplifted. 

Wednesday 4th December 2023

A large congregation attended the Guilds Together 'Advent of Light' service in the church today. 


Refreshments were followed by carols accompanied by Michael Ellacott and an illustrated address by Stephen Miller.  All those present enjoyed a happy and meaningful afternoon. 

Wednesday 22nd November 2023

The Guild members enjoyed a very informative and interesting presentation from Maureen McCreath on Quarrymill cafe and shop. 


The Gannochy Trust both owns the building and supports the trust. In 2022, £62,000 was donated to the Cornhill Support Group. 


Volunteers are the key to the success of the charity and 10,000 hours of volunteering are required for positions in the cafe, kitchen, shop and on the till.  The cafe reopens next March. 


The next meeting is on 13th December and all are welcome for some Christmas festivities. 

Wednesday 8th November 2023

A great afternoon of exercise and fun was enjoyed by Guild members today.  Susan, who took the class, explained the benefits of exercise - improved mental health and brain function, fitness, help with anxiety and the opportunity to meet new folk. 


Susan is a very enthusiastic leader and she encouraged us to join in a class and feel the benefits of regular exercise. 


Our next meeting is on 22nd November when we have a speaker from Quarrymill and all are welcome. 

Wednesday 25th October 2023

A large turnout of Guild members from the North, and Luncarty and Scone Guilds, welcomed Michaela Foster Marsh to our meeting. 


Michaela was responsible for setting up the charity Starchild, a Guild project, which enabled a school for creative arts to be established in Uganda where there is great  poverty  While researching for a book 'A Memoir of Adoption, Race and Family' she realised the need was great for a centre for disabled and autistic children and so the Sunflower Sanctuary was established.  Her excellent presentation was informative and touched all those present. 


The next meeting is on 8th November when we will have a session of keep fit designed to suit the age group present! All are welcome. 

Tiny Tots

The toddler group at Perth North, have a new Facebook group for those wishing to keep up to date with info from the group.

North Church Tiny Tots. - Facebook Page

City Centre Group Update

Following the closure of the Hub in Mill Street, the North Church are now partnering with Giraffe to distribute their frozen ready meals from the Church building on Mondays and Thursdays between 10am and 12 noon. Please share and let people know, especially if you know someone who wold benefit from this service.

Wednesday 11th October 2023

Over 40 Guild ladies had an adventurous outing today to the Bankfoot Church Centre where they were provided with a superb afternoon tea.  They enjoyed savouries, sandwiches, scones and cakes of the highest standard with an endless supply of tea! During the afternoon music was provided, but the volume of chattering and laughter made it difficult to hear at times! 


Our next meeting is on 25th October when we have a speaker from Starchild, one of our Guild projects, and all are welcome. 


Wednesday 27th September 2023

A large number of members attended our meeting today when the speaker was Stephen Miller, who is a probationer OLM attached to our church for a year. 


Stephen's topic was the Guild theme 'New Wine, New Wineskins'. His illustrated talk was both interesting  and thought provoking and thoroughly enjoyed by all. 


Following an afternoon tea on 11th October, our next meeting on 25th October deals with one of our projects 'Starchild', to which all are welcome. 

Wednesday 13th September 2023

Wow - the only way to describe the performance given by the Rock Choir this afternoon in the Church at the start of our new session. 


There was a very large turnout of Guild members, not only from the North Church, but also from the surrounding area, and friends. We were entertained to a wonderful selection of music with singing and movement of the highest standard conducted by their most energetic leader.  


Our next meeting is on Sept 27th when Stephen Miller, our probationer OLM, will speak on the Guild Theme "New Wine, New Wineskins" to which all are welcome. 

Saturday 9th September 2023


A happy group of Guild ladies at the Annual Gathering in Edinburgh today. It was an excellent day with the highlight being an inspirational and witty talk by Professor Jason Leitch, the National Clinical Director who was familiar to us all on TV during the Covid pandemic. 

Tuesday 15th August 2023

The 2023-24 session starts on Wednesday 13th September.  


A very varied syllabus has been drawn up, and we look forward to welcoming former and new members to our first meeting when the Rock Choir will entertain us in the Church at 2 pm. 


The following is the syllabus until the end of this year.  Meetings are normally held in the main hall at 2 pm unless otherwise announced. 


13 Sept - Rock Choir 

27 Sept - Guild theme 

11 Oct - Afternoon Tea

25 Oct - Starchild project

8 Nov - Keep Fit

22 Nov - Quarrymill talk

13 Dec - Michael Ellacott

Tuesday 23rd May 2023

This Club (cake, coffee, craft and chat) met for the first time today and was enjoyed by all present. Card making, and shoebox wrapping were available and it is intended to increase the variety of activities at the next meeting. 


This will be held on on Tuesday 20th June at 2pm in the new hall and all are very welcome to join in, or simply enjoy the company

Sunday 7th May 2023

Around 60 folk enjoyed a picnic lunch together after the church service on Sunday morning to celebrate the Coronation. They were surprised to find that King Charles (copy of!) had popped in to say hello.

Wednesday 22nd March 2023


The last meeting for this session was attended by a good number of members. As well as the AGM being held when a number of reports were given and approved, Hamish Coulter took us on a fascinating tour of his visit to the Holy Land which was enjoyed by all. 

Saturday 11th March 2023


The coffee morning was a great success and very well attended. The amazing sum of approx £750 was  raised! 


The selection of photos shows the happy faces of bakers, welcome smiles at the door, those on the cake and candy, the kitchen ladies and those enjoying a welcome cuppie! 

Wednesday 8th March 2023


Members enjoyed a Walk with Wildlife with Alan Stewart 

whose talk was beautifully illustrated. Although Alan served as a police officer, his passion is the wildlife of the Dupplin Estate. He is now the author of several wildlife books and has now ventured into crime fiction. 

Wednesday 22nd February 2023

Thanks to modern technology we were able to hold a presentation in the church by zoom on one of the Guild projects 'Blether with Beat' which deals with those needing support with eating disorders. Lots of information about the charity is available on their website. 


Reminder - the Guild coffee morning is on 11th March, from 10-11.30 am

Saturday 11th March 2023

Saturday 11th March 2023

10.00 am - 11.30 am

Adult £3, Child £1

Tickets from committee members

Wednesday 8th February 2023

Guild members were entertained today by Estelle Nicol to a trip entitled 'Trekking to Everest base camp'. The scenery and descriptions of her journey were outstanding and thoroughly enjoyed by a large turnout of members

Wednesday 25th January 2023

A very informative and interesting talk was given by Lorna Morrison on the Tapestry of Scotland at today's meeting. 


The tapestry consists of 165 panels and it took 1,000 stitchers 50,000 hours of stitching to complete. The group photo shows stitchers from Perth, Methven and Blairgowrie and includes Lorna. 

Wednesday 11th January 2023

There was lots of chat at the beginning of the first meeting of 2023 as memories of the festive season were shared. 


Susan Morrison then gave a very informative talk on Parish Nursing which was a new concept to most members. There were lots of questions asked and answered over  tea. 

December 2022

Open Church at the North is continuing on Mondays and Thursdays 10-1pm and all are welcome as it says on our new banners printed for us by our friends at DAS. We hope that they are eye catching and attract lots of folks to come in ans share our space, have a hot drink ans a wee chat. We are looking forward to getting to know our community better.

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